Thursday, June 2, 2011

Totally 80's Theme Parties

People like parties. People like to dress up. Combine the two, and what do you have? A memorable theme party! The 1980's was a GREAT decade known for its opulence and overall "feel good" vibe. Your guests will let loose, throw caution to the wind, and have an incredibly memorable night. And remember,Frankie says Relax!
In the 80's anything was possible. There was no dress code, and modern day mismatching was then considered fashionably forward. Here's some specific 80's fads you don't want to leave out: slap bracelets, fanny packs, crimped hair, leg warmers, rock n' roll t-shirts, mullets, tons of bracelets and accessories, colored jeans, sunglasses at night, parachute pants, acid washed jeans, spandex pants, side pony tails, glitter galore, mohawks, blue eye shadow, pink lipstick, off the shoulder shirts, sleeveless shirts, mini skirts, high tops, big hair, Keds, LA Gear, Jordache. Come as your high school's head cheerleader, homecoming queen, or all American high school quarterback (jock). There are endless possibilities for your guest's costumes.(Read More)

Here are some Totally 80's Party Invitations for you to enjoy, see the complete invitations Collection here
 totally 80's retro  party Invitation invitationhippie disco retro  party Invitation invitationtotally 80's retro  party Invitation invitationtotally 80's retro  party Invitation invitationtotally 80's retro  party Invitation invitationhippie disco retro  party Invitation invitation

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