past winners

You can see our Past winners

 April 2012 Giveaway

a pack of  "your choice" 100 businesscards
winner: @geekchic21 from twitter 

March 2012 Giveaway

a "your choice" tote bag
winner : @dropastitch
from twitter

Jan 2012 giveaway
a pack of  "your choice" 100 businesscards
winner: @DedeZoomsalot from twitter 

December 2011 Giveaway

a "your choice" tote bag
winner : @GeekChic21
from twitter

August 2011 Giveaway
a pack of  "your choice" 100 businesscards
winner: @rusticbynature from twitter

July 2011 Giveaway
a  "YOUR CHOICE" T-shirt
winner: @ekitt1001 from twitter

May 2011 Giveaway
a "your choice" tote bag
winner : @SS_Dal from twitter

 April 2011 Giveaway
a pack of "yourchoice" 100 business cards
winner: @lindydnil  from twitter

March 2011 Giveaway
a custom "your choice" tshirt
winner @bikerblue1972 from twitter,Unfortunately she did not send me a pic :( (as promised)

another prize was 5 keychains
winner @linzakastar from twitter , unfortunately she did not send me pics as well (as promised: ( )

 Februray 2011 Giveaway
for 100 business cards @V82CHRIS from twitter
heres the pic

January 2011Giveaway 
gave a ringer tee in January which was won by @CIPE_SHARON from twitter

November+December 2010 Giveaway

Had three winners from twitter
for Frosted Mug @saxie5
for business cards @toothfairycyber
for Hat @craftymomof3

pic by @toothfairycyber

pic by @craftymomof3

got a pic from Saxie5,here it is(  ... you can see the pic below as well),

October Giveaway 2010
We gave out a trick or treat bag in October via Queenofswag blog, winner was @waterbluffy from twitter

August 2010 Giveaway Winners!

There were 3 businesscard packs prizes in August, 

first winner was @Shapedbyhands from twitter

: @Saraminda from twitter

Third Winner was @KatherineChu from Twitter

July2010  Giveaway !

Winner: @VMsweet123 from twitter

May 2010 Giveaway Winners

In May we did 4 giveaways as well

first winner of Apron was @Madly59 from twitter

see below

Second winner was Totebag won by Erin
from Couponclippinmommy Blog

the third pinback button Winner was Sandi Hudson from facebook,

fourth winner for  magnet, was won by @Mutheringheights from twitter